Pottermore is now compatible with tablet devices

pottermoretabletThe Pottermore Insider has announced that Pottermore.com is now available on leading tablet devices.

For the first time ever, you will be able to explore Pottermore.com on your tablet, as the entire website is now compatible with leading tablet devices.

The ability to use the experience on tablets has been a popular request of Pottermore users since the beginning, and they are now able to with this new development. This is also significant to those who rely solely on tablets, as they may now use the site to its full capacity. Previously, the website was only accessible in a web browser on the computer.

Earlier today we tried out the site on an iPad, and it was pretty much the same experience. One nice thing to note is that everything is included – nothing is held back. You can explore each layer of every Moment, collect the same objects, and smoothly journey through the story as you are able to on the computer. If you have a tablet, we encourage you to try it out.

With the launch of this mobile site, many readers and fans are looking out for a Pottermore app for their phones and other mobile devices. There is a huge demand for an app, and we know from the previous CEO and Sony’s comments that there is a collection of apps being developed. We expect a launch very soon, and we’ll keep you updated with the latest.

Have you tried out Pottermore on your tablet? Tell us about your experience in the comments below.